The Blog

No stagnant pirates here 10-5

Welcome to season two with a little less chaos, but a lot more change! Guys… we did it… We are now in none other than the Friday of Harbor, WA! We have a liveaboard lease and a dream. What’s that dream you may ask? Well, part of it is to get our permanent live aboard slip before May 1st so we don’t need to anchor out here! We’re manifesting it that we will have it by the end of January. Everybody get you’re woo woo power out with us to make it happen! The bigger, more important dream is to bring the love of orcas, and other ocean life to every episode while living as an example to all who wish to live an alternative, sustainable lifestyle. On that note, congratulations to L90 with her new calf, L128 who was spotted a couple of weeks ago. The baby is looking healthy and strong, and we send our love to them!
Some green tech news on Dustin’s end would be the company TOWT, in Europe, launching a hybrid electric sailing cargo ship. Another model to follow, and we will see how she does. A new series on Disney Plus has done it again in the amazing research being done in Ocean Explorers. With so much tech, and so many new discoveries, once again Disney is one of the Trail Blazers in supporting environmental research and promoting conservation. Forever a Disney adult. Stay tuned for more adventures in our new home, or really, finally coming back for good.

Disney Adults 8-31

If Walt Disney doesn’t give us a park discount for life for these raving reviews I’ll have some words for his mouse. Every restaurant we visited, the organization of park attractions, and the impeccable service throughout the establishment are all phenomenal. Listen to the episode to hear more about our adult Disney experience, and all the magnificence done there, no doubt attributed to many yellow and green auras. . Don’t worry, there is some eco sustainability talk sprinkled in too because Disney even has that going for them. On other notes, we are finding new ways to map the ocean floor by recruiting sea lions with trackers and cameras. We don’t need to dwell on the fact that we only have roughly 25% of the ocean floor mapped out because it’s too disturbing and terrifying, at least for me. Mapping the floor will most likely benefit everyone involved in one way or another, and knowledge is power, so all power to the seals, may the force be with you! Don’t drop the cameras! It’ll come out of your paychecks. Also, humpbacks with their extraordinary ability to make bubble nets to hunt their prey has put them on an elite animal list of extreme intelligence. Not only for the bubble nets, but a more meticulous way of making them. Some solitary humpbacks in Alaska have been seen making the bubble specifically spaced out just enough to catch 7X more prey than traditional bubble netting techniques. I don’t know if they are out there with rulers, but the feat is amazing regardless. Tune in next time for the result of what happened on September 1st for if we will be moving to Friday Harbor earlier than planned, or if we will get to see the giant Christmas tree in Blaine for one more winter season.

They Only Used to use Rope...? 8-5

Ping pinging around so many things. We like to talk about sail races because of the nature of the podcast and because I like to look at their aura colors. Philippe who came in first in the global solo challenge is a purple blue. Every time I look at one of these racer's colors I think wow. They are so sweet and chill and we would all totally get along. Is it the water that makes us like this? Go with the flow and ready for adventures, or has it been in us all along? I suppose the ladder. Costa Rica has made the first cargo tall ship. We’re really leaning into the pirate thing now! Electric motors, and an absurd amount of sails, she’s going to haul a ton of shit. People can treat those like training vessels too now and it’s shipping good. Creating jobs, teaching, shipping, and eco-friendly. Can’t beat it. New materials are starting to be used to make sails now which will make them lighter and easier to catch and hold wind which is of course amazing. I think escaping to Neverland on a tall ship for a while that holds up their giant masts by a hunch of rope vs metal stays sounds like a great vacation.

Winch Wench 7-2

Delulu is the rhythm of our dance floor, and it’s working for us! We’ve got hopes and dreams for what’s next with this new life we’ve dived into. We can’t imagine how people just decide one day that they want to travel the world on a sailboat with absolutely no experience. I mean I guess it’s all part of the adventure, but damn. It’s been stressful for us, and we prepared for over a year. Going from land to water in any living capacity is a trial whether you’re on a 60ft power boat, or our little 30ft sailboat. There is so much more to do daily, and different things to worry about that you don't even think about before moving to the water. All of this combined really gets your priorities in check and tells your laziness to go take a vacation. We were told by a friend to be proactive vs reactive. You need a plan for everything. In a way, I am more than ok with this! Plans give safety, and safety gives content and content gives a happy boat life. In the past six months, 35,000 pounds of trash was picked up in the Pacific. Happy Fourth of July, check out our merch, bye!
The Winch Wench

Cinderelly Boat Chores 6-17

Whistle while you work because the chores never end over here. We asked for it, and we got it. Sailing book talk, El Niño To a La Niña, having two boats in different places could be fun, and people you need to MYOB and stop congratulating certain folks for just walking outside! High-lows of the week, I mean we’re still afloat, physically, mentally is questionable. No divorce threats yet! Just a lot of boat chores. Lots to do to keep stuff running around this ship, and we run a tight one. Throw in the learning how to be social humans again, and we’re giving each other and our sanity a run for their money. As I’m walking around the docks with my cane and get the “good for you” or “that’s quite a foot”, I have to remind myself not to either push them and/or launch myself into the 50-degree water. Everything’s fine! Oh, and Dustin is a plumber/mechanic now. Uncertified. Only for this boat. Drain clogging will be a normal reoccurrence. That’s what happens when you cook on something that uses hoses instead of fixed pipes. All fixed though thanks to neighbors and him. We haven’t even gone out sailing yet for the season and it feels like it’s been months on here. Not sure if that’s good or bad! Can I be both? I think so. Embrace the dark and light! BH is still looking for her family in the sound. Another pod can step up any time now! If I could jump in and live with her I would. Humpbacks are also back for the season. Populations seem to be flourishing along with fish. Is this true, not sure, but it feels right. Science and research is hard. It takes a lot of effort to become a citizen of another country, including America. 100 questions on the citizenship test! I think I almost failed social studies as much as I almost failed math which is a lot. Too much to remember and too lazy to study. Dustin is the history buff of this duo. Still getting our shit together over here so bear with us! Look out for merch coming soon!

We Did What We Came Here For 6-8

As the great Jerry Seinfeld says, “Choose the torture you’re comfortable with.” Well Jerome, we have succeeded in that sentiment. Two years in the making, we have brought our fantasy to life, and have moved on the boat. Boy does it have its special tortures! But the good 100% outweighs the bad every time we look at it from a perspective lens. Thank you Mom for drilling into my brain growing up to look at things in perspective.

I shall paint a picture for you! You can decide if it’s a pro or con. Timed showers with automatic shut off, seagulls as an alarm clock, a fish graveyard that covers the docks, no bugs, soaking up sun and ions by just peaking your head out the door like a groundhog, just a smidge of confined spacing, not having all your clothes at your fingertips and having to hunt for well, everything, and being one with the mood of the sea. I’ll tell you what, neither of us thought we would ever be doing this, but I already know it’s the best decision we ever made. Webster needs to challenge ourselves because that is the quickest and most fun way to grow at least in my opinion, not that anyone cares, but I want to grow! We want to be more, and be more together. So here we are. Thanks for reading and listening, and stay tuned for more.

Transcending Tech Triggers 5-19

So much green tech, concert portals, plane rides, and sharks/orcas continuing to rule the oceans. Where to begin? High-lows, the boat is getting ready for us little by little, making it a home with creature comforts galore. I don’t care what anyone says, im bringing our little rugs on there whether they fit properly or not. Capitalism is a scam, and companies can put a fault to manufacturing flows in their products. You can stop that now. We all know about it, and we’re just going to fight it, end not boy your shit as much, so good luck. Here’s the thing, the people are winning because ever since Covid shopping has changed for all of us. Stores are closing, corporations are shutting their doors and moving online, the worlds a’ changing! Consumers more and more are not going to buy shit that we know isn’t going to last, we will go elsewhere, or change our methods to avoid going through these scams of a company. Look out corporate America, put your knee pads on cus you’re going down a slippery slope right quick. Scrap left, Denver is a beautiful city, and I highly recommend taking a trip there. The people, the dogs; the landscape, it’s all worth it. If you see a concert at Red Rocks don’t be surprised if a portal to another world opens because I was transported somewhere else for sure. Without drugs! The Houston Museum of natural science is hosting a shark exhibit that looks fucking rad, so to check that out if you can, end sodium-ion batteries are the future. The end!

You’re a colorful star 5-9

What if we rewrite the stars in aura colors? Zac Efron and Zendaya said so. Whale things, therapy, and everything is a scam, and no matter where you and our start, we are all each other’s counterparts, said Asha. If you haven’t noticed, art is recycled. You can recycle too! Rhyming is fun. New moon's intentions for us were embracing the light and dark to reach complete balance in the deepest depths of the soul. You can’t have one, without the other, and if you focus on one too much, the other suffers. Waning the moon is all about balance, so this is just taking it a step further. This also includes managing expectations for one's self! Giving yourself grace is important, so as not to overwhelm due to the heaviness of a to-do list. To be content with not getting everything done is a struggle, but when you recognize that time is a construct, life is a scam, and nothing matters, it all feels a little less heavy.

Look, there’s a lot of detailed stuff for this episode that I don’t feel the need to write out in the blog, but there will be a chart. This chart will consist of the many personal type languages that the masses use to find some sort of identity. The goal of this is to show that they are all fucking saying the same thing. Very similar to religion, besides the stupid intricate dear ails that tend to start wars, everything points to how we are all beautiful and here for a purpose, end to be kind to one another. There’s room for everyone in this world, end we all share a connection to it. Everything living and nonliving thing, it’s all connected. Start paying attention to the vibes, and you’ll feel it too.

Cloudy with a chance of mayhem 4-22

It’s the day of Earth, Earth Day, Dia De Tierra, and one more, Jour De La Terre! I know I’m a lot. If this is too much for you, go find less. Here we are on the largest secular holiday in the world which is amazing in itself. That’s really saying something. As a collective, based on that fact we are certainly moving in the right direction when it comes to planet activism, and working towards a more ecologically sustainable future. Papertarianism for the win! No mas plastic, bring in the paper. Although I still get conflicted because then here we are cutting down all of these trees, but I guess the worse option is still putting plastic waste into the ocean so….. sorry trees. But Treecard is saving the day 10,000 steps at a time! If someone really really smart reads this, and wants to make a sims ocean cleaner app like Treecard, except picking up plastic out of the ocean like a claw machine, please do it! All I do is write, end come up with ideas, someone else take it and put it together!

Anyway, lots of boat work happening on the inside, shelves, Chert plotters, battery monitors, it’s a lot. For me. Not for Dustin. I glaze just writing about it. But it’s all necessary!

Brave little hunter is still stuck in a lagoon off of Vancouver Island, the locals have been working tirelessly to get her out. Send hugs and good vibes her way because she needs all the love we have to give.

Lisa Blair is the sailor of the month for us. Along with her multiple solo sail races, and record breaking, she also has taken a helping hand stance on climate change. Another purple indigo aura out there fighting the good fight for the planet. The army just keeps growing and growing and it is the most inspiring thing to watch happen. Stay tuned for another episode at the end of the month because we are the definition of procrastination over here, but you love us anyway! Check out our sponsors, and of course like and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Thank you byeeeee!

We know more about the moon… 3-31

It's quite the rollercoaster of an episode this one. The highlights, Dustin is in his green aura element with all of the impending boat projects that are now underway. If we needed to move onto the boat tomorrow, we e could, now that we have all the kitchen appliances we have been waiting for. Induction stove, toaster oven/air fryer/microwave, end the cutest little top opening fridge ever. We’re set to be off the grid for at least a week! My pink aura that has returned from childhood is now visibly a blessing and a curse. I actually have a little mail lady intern it seems who is kind of gatekeeping other people’s thoughts and feelings from coming in a little bit more than what I am used to which is a good thing because I can be more myself with less guilt, but the guilt is still there and this also comes with more judgment from others. You win some and you lose some! Capitalism loves a niche market. This does not work out well though for the consumer. Anything marine grade is going to be jacked up in price. There is no escalating it, and it’s all a scam, just like doctors.

What is happening? Who gives a shit about the royal family and all their drama. We’ve got enough to watch right here in our fucked up country, so let’s leave Kate alone. Also, did a rift open at the bottom of the ocean? Why are animals that we have never seen before coming up from the deep all at the same time? Extinct gray whales, new orca pods, the Meg; I can’t keep track of what’s real or not. What the shit is happening where our country just keeps failing us with a lack of care for their employees with safety and Infrastructure of trade routes? That cargo ship in Baltimore did not need to crash. Our hearts go out to the families that lost people in this horrible accident. So unnecessary and wasteful, end a damn shame. If people In power would put more money into safety precautions and checking engines, these things might be able to be avoided

Green tech Dustin raved about Victron and how they have made their systems seamless. I’m not the one to try and talk shout it so go listen to the episode for that because I sure as hell still don’t understand it. But Victron, send us a box! Orca update, besides a new deep-sea pacific pod being found that eats everything under the sun; they are now in the midst of deciding to make the southern résident orcas and the Biggs transient orcas into separate species with different names! They are quite different overall besides their general looks so it makes sense. We shall see! Orcas are winning and will be taking over the world, and we’re ok with it. Thank you, goodbye till next time!

Home is where the pod is 3/13

Hold onto your butts people because it is officially the anniversary of Third Eye Sailing!!! Happy birthday, Feliz Cumpleaños, joyeux anivirsaire, all the things! Thank you if you keep listening to our sensible nonsense, so appreciated. On that note, let’s talk about the toe sucking children situation. Oaklahoma, talking to you, we don’t need it, don’t want to see it ever again. We don’t need child porn money on our hands when our eyes finally get fixed. Absurd. Be better oaklahoma! I know it’s hard, but at least try. Sharp right, we also have big big plans for the host this summer that heaviliy involves ripping things out, and putting new gadgets in which I guess is exciting for a green aura like Dustin, love him for it! For moi? Nope. More like terrifying. Change is scary. Raise your hand if you’re with me. All of you!

A PSA for anyone in and around Denver at the moment, the Denver museum of nature and science is hosting an exibit called, Orcas: Our Shared Future. The orcas are winning! If you haven’t noticed because you live under a rock, they are all over social needia and people are excited, and what’s even more important is kids are excited about them! I love this so much, so let’s keep the momentum going for the orcas, and help us help them! Alongside that for green tech this week Dustin found a nifty new thing called a sea floor wave converter. It basically is a giant fishing buoy that is anchored to the ocean floor and converts the energy it collects from moving up and down with the tides and also hitting the floor and makes it into clean energy. Very similar to the gravity battery method which we touched on in a past episode. SO FRICKEN COOL. Cool and Clean, pretty much another skin care company. I just think it’s so funny how we can make energy from making things fall.

Next! In honor of the beloved Irish holiday we brought Sir Frances Beaufort on the show to talk about his development in the world of cartography and hydrography which is the Beaufort wind scale. Mr. Beaufort, do tell us about your invention. Well you see as a member of the Irish navy I spent a lot of time on boats, and thought what’s up with this wind? How the hell does he work, and why does it look so different on the water vs on land, and how can I make shit easier for my mates to tell me what the wind speed is to others? We keep saying well there’s a ripple there, but It doesn’t seem that windy. I pretty much made a system that includes a scale of one to twelve that correlates what’s happening in the surrounding environment with wind strength. Simplest example is water that looks like glass would be classified as a 1 on my scale. I did eventually convert this to knots and miles

Movin’ On Up 2-28

Dustin continues to grab the low-hanging fruit by talking about the weather for a highlight
, low light! It’s fine. It’s a habit that apparently cannot be broken. Probably too much singing from me, end a hell lotta green tech talk. This is us in a nutshell. The new whale traffic control method in Seattle is one of the latest and greatest. Call the coast guard if you see a whale, especially if it’s in a shipping lane, and they will let everyone know! It’s so simple. Hopefully, this will be adopted in other areas of the world, or if anything, the country.

Moved on up to number 14 on the Friday harbor waitlist! Let’s go! Miracles happen once in a while, princess diaries said, if you believe. And we believe we will get there before we are 40! We are all in this together, said Troy Bolton, number 14. This was a very musical episode, sorry not sorry. Oops… I did it again. Gah! I can’t help it. Life is a song. I’m no longer catering my mood to others, and Dustin is letting go of whatever filters remain. Coming up on a year of this show, stay tuned for the next episode where there will most likely be drunk podcasting happening. Bonne journée!

Whale Speak 2-11

Dial up the crisis-information hotline because I need to know what to do when I insult a whale while speaking their language, end doesn’t even fucking know what I’m saying! Sigh. I mean we love it, we’re here for it, let’s start a dialogue, but are we so ignorant to think that we could unwittingly be insulting Mr. Twain the humpback? I am insulted by proxy by the ignorance! We love science over here. My sister and I will be getting #flatearther tattoos.

Oh, the conspiracy of it all. If you don’t love conspiracy theories we can’t be friends with you. There is a level of creativity when it comes to conducting and spreading a conspiracy theory that is so intriguing, and honestly quite admirable. The more outrageous, the better. Now if we could all just be able to live in that little fantasy world, and go along for just a moment, but then have the mental capacity to step out of the ring of fire and come back to the Barbie real world then I think we could all make it. Unfortunately, the world is primarily made up of dumbfucks that wouldn’t be able to distinguish a rat from a raccoon. So we’re all doomed

Let’s go Chiefs/Taylor, and if you don’t agree…. Look inward. Bye till next time!

What do you want from me? 1-29

Intentions matter, trust me. Someone can appear to be the kindest soul, but if you are listening to the things not said aloud, you may find out otherwise. The boat community from what we have seen so far is full of good intentions. Good may not even be the right word. Selfless fits better. Someone who acts to help another simply because they see them struggling, and there is no further thought, that’s selfless. There’s no personal gain or inward conflicts of should or shouldn’ts. A community is about bringing people together for one common goal. I get the feeling that the boating community strives for minimalism and freedom. Everything else in between that is benefitted is just collateral gain. If you live on a boat you are making a smaller carbon footprint, typically healthy and fit to be able to move around the boat with ease, In general, people are happier since they spend so much of their home life outside, if possible. I think you are either a land person or a water person. I know for a fact that we were made for the water. Also, dog parents, pick up their shit. Be better. The end.

Burbs are too big 1-13

New year; same us, just with some rejuvenated hope. Lame! Still saying this year is looking bright. The trick is to not think that the sky is going to fall as soon as those words pass lips. Not fucking easy! #worksinprogress #growth #PSD Somehow, we got on a rant about suburbs and infrastructure, and cross-country high-speed rails, but let’s go backward from there. Enjoying our seemingly annual arctic blast, let’s pretend we like freezing our toes off. I am officially taking a stand against hardwood flooring. No more! And no we do not want to combat the poor insulation by covering the entire floor with rugs and carpets from Target! 10 degrees may not seem cold to the folks in Anchorage, but we don’t like it! Especially with hardwoods!

If our towns were smaller and more condensed, what would the world look like? I guess there would probably just be more tiny towns, but the key would be if they were all walkable within, and do surrounding towns. Less travel by cars, or even no cars if we used the railway. To save the planet we need to become nomadic colonials again, which no one is found to do, or make more advanced, sustainable, and clean infrastructures for travel. Along with every other daily task we do. Level up, but make it affordable. That almost seems more important than becoming new-age colonials. There is hope though! In 2024, we are ready for our next big adventure.

No pressure, it's just a new year 12-30

Happy fucking new year! Rolling into 2024 strong with no real ambitions as far as the world is concerned. We’re just trying to make money babbling into a mic. It’s going great! Some actual great things though are that J pod of the Southern resident orcas just spotted a new Christmas calf, J60, male. Happy birthday baby boy! Please live long enough to spread your seed because it’s getting more than a little incestual over yonder in the sound. Sharp right, Dustin passed a certification to further his lovely career in the world of IT. Snaps for Dusty. Low lights are finding temptations to spend money that we don’t have which is always super fun. Does there need to be yet another food delivery service in our area to tempt the non-drivers of the world to be fat and poor? No! But we thank them just the same.

So much green tech talks in this episode. We’ve got the wave energy videos going around with the game of tides. Why is this not used more? It should be being utilized on every fucking coastline on this goddamn planet. So simple. Figure it out. On that note, thank you Puget Sound Energy. There is also the gravity battery method which I would love to go visit one of these things. Dropping bricks of whatever from a very high height creates energy. I think I could watch that for hours and be transfixed as long as I had earbuds. Can’t forget my amazing idea of foot traffic energy! I’m descended from Alan Turing which isn’t possible. If you know, you know.

To end things, we revealed our hollow promises of New Year’s resolutions. If we accomplish even partially of one of these things there will be a party. Just for us though which is typical Saturday night over here with our boxed wine. Disgusting, but it’s fine. Dustin wants to learn some woodworking and sewing skills. So productive, and healthy! I wish I wanted to learn a productive skill like that. I’m going with French, and fiddling with a keyboard. It calms me! There’s more but they don’t matter like everything you just read. Cheers to hollow promises for the future, and if the gods will permit it, we will be moving onto this damn boat by the end of this year. Stay tuned for more horseshit. Thank you!

Billionaires 12/5

We wanna be billionaire so flippen bad! Not really, but if we had that as a reality I don’t think we would look like it because we would stupidly be giving it all away anyway. Stupid according to other billionaires. We did too much in the last couple of weeks to even bother with a highlight-lowlight, so we jumped into all of our Seattle and Friday harbor advertures. Space needle, glass museum, whale museum again, all we highly recommend. We continue to see how much more advanced kids are today vs how dumb as shit we were growing up. The argument continues to be that of if they are growing up too fast because of social media or is this better for them in the long run. We just remember being care free kids that didn’t have images of current wars happening at the tips of our fingers. Should kids have access to the reality that surrounds them like that or should they be kept in the dark? I guess like everything there are pros and cons, and the reality might be that there is no specific age reeerved for just fun anymore. Perhaps removing stereotypes like thaf for all age groups entirely would help in the fight against ignorance. There is no excuse now in this country to not know what is happening in the world. At this point it’s a choice to stay in the dark ages. That is until the Aliens come to kill us because of our terrible destructive nature as a species. That’s another conversation though! If every huge company put money toward making the environment and humanity safer and cleaner, so many problems would be fixed. If these CEOs have someone in their circle that they trust and value that sees the world for what it is and what it needs, they could maybe speak some sense into them, so boys and girlies, here’s the plan. Empaths need to infiltrate Wall Street. Single girls, hop in seeking arrangements to start putting your two sense in with a sugar daddy. Boys too.

If you have even a sliver of charisma and care about the world and where it’s headed, start working your way up to the top with someone who just wants pictures of your feet. One way or another, we need to get these old sacks of potatoes out of power, and get these GEN Z crazies out there making change since millennials time has passed. Too late for us. We’re either podcasting and living out of vans, or married with five kids. We already spent all our money on college that got us working at a store for 6 years. It’s up to you GEN Z. Thank you for your service, and sorry millennials failed you. Till next time!

Wishes Made 11-11

We welcome you today into our wishing circle! When you see the number 111 it is always a good sign that you are on the right track, and it is also your guides telling you to be present in that moment because things are coming together in the best way for you. Dustin and I have seen this throughout our journey together and with coming here with other numbers speaking to us.
Our high and low lights were about our new favorite book series #audible #kindle and how we have found a new way to pick each others brains while reading series together. Dustin experienced loss this past week which is always a test of strength and resilience. If you ask for signs though, they will come visit.
We both dug deep to find what we both need and want out of this life. When your guides are telling you to ask for what you want, you should probably listen, especially when there is a specific day set aside to do so. Dustin is on a path to find meaning in what he is doing. Whether that is something totally different or in the same field, he wants to be a part of the side that is naming a difference. Making the world better for others, not just a single company. To be fulfilled and content with what he is putting out into the world.
I made a wish list! With tears, my list consisted of sight, abundance, and peace. Asking for these things out loud was more difficult than I thought it would be, but I guess that’s the thing isn’t it? It’s the things we are most scared to want, the things that we know could eventually break us if they never materialize. The fear of failure. You need to ask though. That’s the first step. Knowing what you want is how you become the person you were always meant to be.

Happy Spooky 10-31

Our first all hallows eve here in Washington! A lot of nonsense today as we reflect on past Halloween costumes, boring food, and complaining about our lack of wheels. Complaining is good for the soul this in this household.

Dustin has been enjoying the shorter days, less light is a great day for both of us. People didn’t understand why we would want to move to a state that is known for being rainy and cloudy, but that weather combo is our jam. Yes Dustin needs to get out of the house a little more where I could live happily as a mole person, but not having blazing sun coming through the windows when trying to work on a computer is a great thing.

I don’t think we’re the only ones who get bored with food. We are thankful that we aren’t starving of course, but geez we’re in need of some new flavors. There are only so many things to eat. Only so many different ways you can have pasta. Of course, we might get some new ideas if we could easily get to a grocery store and peruse the aisles. We do the best we can while scrolling through the apps aisles, but damn do we miss Trader Joe’s.

It’s Interesting how our Halloween costumes throughout the years have reflected our true selves and possibly even what we aspire to be as well. We both had chosen strong, empowering costumes growing up. Werewolf, Van Helsing, Supergirl, zombie, all strong and fierce characters. I can add a dragon rider now to that list. Neither of us have ever taken on the role or damsel in distress because we are so the opposite. Both strong, independent, and fiercely passionate about what we believe in.

Europe is Winning 10-14

We send all our good vibes out to those in the Middle East who are suffering regardless of whatever side of the battle. Pain is pain, and no one deserves it if they are innocent. Those caught in the crossfire of someone else’s dispute deserve all the help and sympathy that can be mustard. On this new moon with the solar eclipse enhancing its manifestation power, we send hope and love to the side of the world.

In efforts to lighten the mood we talk about a recent series we started, the first book being Fourth Wing, by Rebecca Yarros. You won’t be able to put it down. Dustin’s highlight was our day at the local harvest festival which got us into comparing West Coast band talents to NY talents. It isn’t much of a competition. There is a reason why people come over this way to make it in the entertainment business. Not to say that NYC isn’t the most magical place on earth, sorry Disney, but there is something to be said about what salt air and wide open spaces can do for artists.

Our low lights consisted of us bitching about roof work being done on our place, first-world problems trigger warning. We loved The Money Pit ala Tom Hanks this past week. And then throw in the three days of rain in between the roofers being here which prolonged the project of course. It's not at the top of our list for good times.
Some techy rid bits Dustin mentioned for the boat were a type of air dryer that sucks in cool air, converts it to hit to decrease the moisture. Also, moisture-absorbing beads that we have yet to test but have heard good things. The lowest the temperature has gotten to on the boat so far Is 45 degrees so that mixed with rain, we are trying to keep the inside as dry as possible.

The motorized walking bike Is something that the masses need, along with more and more tech like this, but it needs to be affordable. Jake from State Farm cannot just go by this bike because who is willing to spend ten thousand dollars on a bike? This led to a rant about Vision additive technology, and how the products are all unruly overpriced for people that it could be life-changing for. Fucking capitalism. Europe’s care that they have for their employees is passing America’s at such a depressing rate, it’s humorous. So here we are, doing this thing we’re doing because Canada doesn’t want us, and I can assume Europe doesn’t either.

To end it on a not so bitter note, we talked about the folklore surrounding solar eclipses, and how dragons are awesome and aren’t all bad. It’s Western religions that made them out to be bad, along with everything else that’s good In the world. That’s all for now folks

When was I where? 9-30

This episode was a whirlwind of emotions and some chilling revelations. Starting on a positive note, Haley’s highlight was that of our new sponsor of the show. Sea Bar was introduced to us by a fellow boater friend who runs a barber shop and told us about these soaps she uses. The mission of the company is to clean up our coastlines while making eco-friendly products. So yes, the highlight on the surface is getting a new type of shampoo that helps clean up our ocean here in WA. Haley’s low light sparked a tangent about post book series depression. It’s a thing. Both now being bookworms as of late, she is now experiencing the sadness of ending a story. Fusion has long known this sadness since he was reading novels since his eyes could translate the text. Before that tangent contributed we briefly discussed the lovely Fall weather we had stubbles upon these last couple of weeks which has made living here like a dream. Between the leaves, the wind, and that crisp smell, mixed with the now familiar scent of the sea, it’s as if we now live in the place we were always destined to. The only bummer is the GD crabbing season. Dustin’s low light of not being able to sail the rest of the year due to crabbing season not taking a break for October, but instead going straight through December, running the day just a little bit. Life goes on. We will sail next year if the world is still standing I guess. Everything’s fine!

The big topic today was the idea of being somewhere else, when else, and what else. If you could be anything, anywhere, at any time, what would the world be like? Who would you be? Haley expressed that she would be leaning towards a witch. With all of the fantasies she has read, being an empathic witch healer has been the most familiar, as if she had been there before. Nora Roberts’, Dragon Heart series is a must-read for fantasy lovers which is what inspired this episode. Dustin expressed that through all of his rewards, he decided on a dragon rider. His inspiration comes from the Eragpn series by Christopher Paolini.

Touching a bit on a short quiz that we both took to find out what types of spirit guides we have. Haley’s wasn’t surprising, which was an animal spirit that she knew because she revived messages from an orca often by taking the orca form. Dustin spirit is one of nature which is known to be able to take many forms. He has expressed that if he could be any animal, he would want to be a shapeshifter so he can fly, swim, and be anywhere he wanted to be, which is so ironic that that is his spirit guide's way of sending him messages. If we open our hearts and let go of shame or inhibition, it’s amazing what we can find out about ourselves. It’s accepting what we learn from our guides that can be the hardest part. There is some knowledge that cannot be unseen, therefore we can only move forward, regardless of what we learn about our past, and other lives lived. What can we do today to make a difference here where we are right now is what the goal of this show is. We can zoom in and zoom out all day, but we always are right here on this earth plain with the task that has been given to us. Walking that line in between Dan be hard, but we know that it’s worth it.

Dark Side of the Moon 9/16

Naturally, we opened with self-deprivation due to our disgusting decision to listen to a previous episode with the hope of taking self-improvement notes. I had already indulged once before, the self-aware queen that I am, but Dustin had not partaken in a listen yet to our dumbass voices. If nothing else, humbling! Then we proceeded to go into our highlight lowlights where mine was eating a plucked apple from our backyard tree and devouring it after Dustin tried it first. #homesteaders #renters My lowlight was just a month of the state of our country. Shouldn't need to go into it further than that, but it all just gets you down sometimes! So we are both readers and like to escape into books, which I was overdoing this past month, but I’m back to reality with a renewed focus. Dustin’s highlight was the lovely Fall weather we have been starting to get here. We’re both such Fall sluts it’s ridiculous. We have been foaming at the mouth for it since July. #ripjimmybuffet The blue-purple aura artist sailing king. He paved the way for people like us who know there is more to life than pavement and wealth. Thank you, Jimmy and his boat Drifter for everything you stood for.

In the Green Aura Tech segment today, we talked about the adorable app, Tree Card, where you plant trees just by walking and can win prizes too. Dustin brought up the latest sea tech that is attempting to be implemented on cargo ships which are called Wind Wings. The goal is to use less fuel and get back to wind energy with the help of solar and batteries. We will get there one day!

Our new moon intentions this month are simple. We are focused, present, and peaceful. There is only so much one person can do in this world as far as impact goes, but we are going to do that and take it as far as we can. It's a fine line between caring so much that it hurts, but just not letting it hurt so bad that it affects your life negatively every day when things inevitably don’t work out. Patience, drive, and passion are things that the two of us share a great deal of. We are very lucky to have the emotional Support system that we do, and now that includes anyone reading or listening to the show. My spirit guides told me last week that “if we build it, they will come. "Little did I know at the time, that Field of Dreams was put on Netflix. Thank you for reading/listening, and let's all keep working toward a better future together.

Don't forget to check out our sponsors Happy Earth, Naked Wines, and now Sea Bar. Find all the links on our website!

Dinosaurs are real! 8-20

This week’s episode, not that we have any type of schedule whatsoever for our show, we tackled the last couple of weeks after being back from NY. We had gone to the Blaine Mariners festival thaf the first weekend which involved hopping aboard the Lady Washington for a quick tour. So many people, barely enough deck space, but still cool. She was a site to behold with 13 sails and 26 miles of rope. Highly recommend it if she makes her way to your town, or any tall ship for that matter. It makes you think about all the work that was done to get our civilization where it is today.

While recovering from the episode, Dustin and I were below deck, trying to hide from the haze of smoke that surrounded us from the wildfires in Canada. We had brought up ideas of where we are going to fit all of our clothes once we move onto the boat. Nets, hammocks, bins, we could have gone on for two hours about storage ideas. I did talk about a lovely dream I had about finally getting our slip in Friday Harbor, and Dustin is supportive as ever of the woo-woo psychic stuff, asking what time of the year it was and what we looked like as if I can predict the future. The important thing I took away from that dream was our slip number which was 48. Feel free to write in other interpretations of this number that we didn’t talk about.

Dustin talked about how he will start a new segment to appease his green aura about new sailing technology that is coming available to the general public. For example, he elaborated on electric motors which are slowly becoming more reasonably priced in comparison to gas or diesel. This is a great leap for team conservation and sustainability because cost is most of the problem at this point. The technology is there, people just need to be able to afford the stuff.

Of course, we had to backtrack and complain about travel experiences back home about stupid people and flights being canceled. Is this what flying is now? Just never-ending anticipation and panic until you are in the air? Ridiculous. But we also aren’t the type to go complain to airlines either because it’s not like it’s always their fault. The moral of that story was don’t be those people who ask to switch with strangers to sit next to their significant others. Don’t do it. Stop it. Everyone hates you.

Anyway! We ended on a scary bedtime sorry about the dinosaurs that walk among us today, and landed on sailboats. Thanks for listening and reading. Like, subscribe, and use our link to get your $100 voucher for Naked Wines! Bu-bye!

Opening our Third Eye 8/1

Today we unexpectedly get more deep than usual with our earth saving ideas and reasons to dedicate your life to something bigger than yourself. There are so many greens in the world who are working every day to make some semblance of a difference for the earth and all of our futures, but then there are the people who have all the power in the world, and doing not even a little bit of good. It blows our minds, and don’t know where else to express that but right here! Side note, Barbie movie is fantastic, everyone go see it. Dustin, in spirit of the full moon, is letting go of his need to plan out every detail for the future, and Haley is letting go of her fear of falling, physically and metaphorically. We touched on some low lights from the first half of July, and teased some stories from our trip back to NY for next episode. This is a longer one so grab a drink and let your mind bend a little bit because we love to mind bend around here. Follow and subscribe, and remember that home is within you.