About the show

If you have a passion for adventure, a dark sense of humor, and a curiosity for the world beyond our own, you are in the right place. Join us as we succeed and fail and succeed again. Our journeys with Lolar in the Salish Sea, days at the public market, and us just trying to not die while crossing the street will be discussed. We have been told we are inspirational and following our hearts, apparently by just by leaving our house and taking a boat out to the middle of an ocean. It’s a good time, just make sure you have thick skin because there is a 98.2% chance that we may piss you off. See you soon!

Meet the crew

Third Eye Sailing LLC's image

Hi, my name is Dustin. My story starts a little unusual from most as I was born four months premature which resulted low vision in both eyes. My vision has improved over the years, but still affects things like my ability to see detail from a distance. But, I have not let this stop me in anything I have done in my 29 years on this earth and I don't think I ever will. I have been around boats my whole life. My grandparents owned a boat for as long as I can remember and I have had two boats myself. SV Lolar is the latest. I have always been drawn to water whether it be being out on the lake where I grew up or learning to dive beneath the waves. The goal is to explore all this world has to offer and become more in tune with mother nature.

Third Eye Sailing LLC's image

Hey there! My name is Haley. I am a person who has known her passion from a very young age, I love wildlife. I grew up loving nature and everything in it. I was that girl bringing the container of bugs into school for show and tell. You wouldn’t catch me doing that now, but the sentiment is still there. After being diagnosed legally blind in high school with a genetic disease called Stargardt’s and having some corporate positions, I came to the hard conclusion that I was not meant for a 9-5 job. So, I started exploring other options. The basis of everything that I want to do comes down to helping others. My “others” are specifically orca whales. My purpose for this show and future endeavors are to make their world better. My mom likes to say that Dustin and I are too ambitious to have kids and that the orcas are our kids. If I leave any kind of legacy behind, I want it to be that I helped make the oceans cleaner and safer for them. So let’s start by having a sailboat and learning how to live a sustainable, eco-friendly life style.